Upgrade your Reverse Proxy when a Linux/NGINX agent is installed
One of the possible deployments for CloudGuard WAF is a Linux agent installed on top over a supported Reverse Proxy.
If you wish to upgrade the Reverse Proxy while the agent is installed, follow the steps described in this documentation page.
Step 1: Delete the agent module's load_module line
Locate your nginx modules folder path by running: nginx -V and look for the value of the "--modules-path" parameter. It is usually /usr/share/nginx/modules or /usr/lib/nginx/modules
Via command line access to the machine with the NGINX server and the agent, edit the following file: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Delete the following line (look for the path located previously): load_module /<modules folder path>/ngx_cp_attachment_module.so;
Step 2: Comment out the agent module's configuration lines
Edit all files in the paths /etc/nginx/conf.d/* or /etc/nginx/sites_enabled/*
Comment out (add '#' in the beginning of the line) all the lines, if exist, that begin with: cp-nano-nginx-attachment
If you added manually additional lines in other server configuration files - comment them out as well.
Step 3: Run a test command
Run the command 'nginx -t'. You should see it print out "test is successful".
Step 4: Upgrade the NGINX's software version
Run any commands you intended to run in order to upgrade the NGINX's software version
Step 5: Stop and start the agent, while triggering deployment of a new attachment
Run the following commands: cpnano -q rm -rf /etc/cp/packages rm /etc/cp/conf/manifest.json cpnano -r
Step 6: Verify the agent has restarted
After one minute that the agent has restarted successfully using the following command: cpnano -s
Last update status should state “Succeeded” and Last update should show a time in the scope of the last few minutes.
Step 7: Undo the changes done in step 2
Remove the "comment out" character ('#') from all the lines it was added to in step 2 (In the paths /etc/nginx/conf.d/* or /etc/nginx/sites_enabled/* )
Step 8: NGINX reload
Run the following commands: nginx -s reload systemctl restart nginx
Last updated
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